Healing Sexual Trauma
Sexual Trauma can range from just rougher than normal sexual intercourse with your partner to a full on rape. It robs one of their power while inciting fearful thoughts and energies. These situations can be so traumatic that it literally breaks one's psyche apart. Splitting the personality and creating mental illness.
There is a thing about cells. They remember. They hold onto vibration. Each traumatic experience if not dealt with properly manifests into all kind of things, like drug addictions, depression, and can escalate into suicide.
As a woman this post is from a woman's perspective. Children who are molested go through several stages of lost identity, including inability to experience and love their own bodies. Being objectified as a child creates a sense of worthlessness, deep seated abandonment issues and self-shame that does not heal completely.
A woman I met awhile back (whose name will not be revealed) told me about her rape. She told me about how many psychiatrist she went to, how many doctors have seen her and how her life has been ruined. After about a two hour chat with her, she cried and explained that I had helped her more than anyone. When you understand that half of the ailments one experiences is caused by energy more so than physical, you can heal pain.
But now, I have tapped into something else that has allowed me to speed up the process of healing.
Yoni Eggs
A single rose quartz yoni egg changed my life. I'm not joking.
The moment I inserted it into my yoni. (lol)
Every cell from my tailbone upwards lit up with a complete tingle and tears began to flow. Pain from every past partner, pain from every traumatic incident involving my yoni was all released at one time. It was this pure essence of love that filled every fiber of my being. Through this experience I was immediately made aware of where the blockages were. The "me" I was before the traumas, returned full force. Parts of me opened up, I felt more woman in that moment than I have in my entire life. A strong sense of forgiveness filled my spirit for every person who inflicted trauma on me. A softness engulfed me and energy blockages broke down.
In order to feel love and give love you have to cut the cords from past partners. From the womb as well. We can cut external cords all we want, but it is the internal ones that get internalized and begin to take their toll from the inside out. The vibration of a yoni egg neutralizes all the energy from every partner. Helps you release energy patterns they have left within you.
If you find yourself wanting to use a yoni egg, please look for reputable dealers. Do your own research and know what you are purchasing beforehand. Plenty of information out there, youtube videos, etc about how to use and how to choose your yoni egg. Enjoy!
And for legal purposes:
Please refer to our Disclaimer posted here. If you having a medical emergency do not utilize this website as an excuse to not seek medical help.
Interesting! I had a very unique experience with this subject. Found out about "yoni" through the dream of my ex. It bothered her and she told it to me. Only thing keeping me from interpreting it was my ignorance on what yoni meant. Once I looked it up, her dream became crystal clear (no pun intended).