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Choosing Crystals

All energy has a signature, crystals emanate their own. When you are looking to do something specific, there is a better way to do this than by guessing. I will give a few examples, then you can check out my other post for crystal pairings that may benefit you.

Crystal Pairings based on Geometric Patterns

There is around 6 or 7 Structure Categories that crystals fall into.

  • Seekers
  • Enhancers
  • Guardians
  • Dispellers
  • Barriers
  • Attractors
  • Non-Crystalline(not really a category but still a type)


Seekers are the "Looker" crystals. They help aim our focus toward a certain goal. These go good in grids that require a certain sense of clarity and vision. These crystals have a Hexagonal Crystal Structure. These crystals are good for things like starting over, breakthroughs, and adventures. When you need help finding things like love, money, jobs, etc, these are the crystals you want to use. A few Seekers are Calcite, Chrysoprase, Emerald, Aventurine, Amethyst, Citrine, Aquamarine and Agate.


These crystals help "increase" whatever you have already. These are the growth crystals. These crystals bring growth to whatever you apply them to. Crystals like Fluorite, Garnet, and Lapis Lazuli are Enhancers. If you want to enhance another crystal then pair an Enhancer with it. These crystals have an Isometric Crystal Structure. 


Guardian crystals help protect what we have or value. These crystals help protect us in the physical world and in the spiritual world. If you are prone to OBE's/ Astral Travel or just meeting or seeing energetic beings, these crystals can prove to be invaluable. These crystals have a Monoclinic Crystal System. A few Guardian crystals are Malachite, Lepidolite, Selenite, Jade, Chrysocolla and Howlite just to name a few. 


These are my favorite. If you live in a negative environment or work around sick or mentally ill people this crystal structure is literally worth it's weight in gold. These crystals have an Orthorhombic Crystal Structure. Which means it gets rid of what we have but do not want. If we have negativity in or around us, this crystal will move that energy around and break it up. On grids they are good for helping with mental or spiritual issues. A few Dispellers are Bronzite, Peridot, and Topaz just to name a few. 


So you've got everything in your life the way you want it, well don't go around without insurance. Barriers are the insurance against negative situations or happenings. These work well with Guardians. They both reinforce protective energy but Barriers are specifically focused on External. Keeping us away from negative situations or environments and out of harm's way. These crystals have a Triclinic Crystal Structure. A few crystals in this group are Labradorite, Kyanite, Moonstone, Sunstone, and Amazonite. 


Attractors do just that, attract. They have a magnetic quality but often need help from other crystals like Enhancers or Seekers. Rutilated Quartz is an example of an Attractor and Seeker. Rutile being the Attractor and Quartz being the Seeker(Quartz also amplifies). These crystals have a Tetragonal Crystal System. 


Crystals like Obsidian and Tektite have no crystal structure. I've worked with Tektite and it's very strong at aligning chakras. These crystals seem to resonate at a high frequency but also move energy on a physical level. Obsidian brings up the Shadow Self for work and integration. Just be careful with Obsidian(it doesn't stop telling you what's wrong with you, it's like a chatty child who knows everything about you LOL) and clear it frequently.


When you need to do let's say clear negativity from yourself and keep it out, you can combine crystals from the groups to help you achieve a strong result. Labradorite, Bronzite and Kyanite may work well for you. Prehnite with Epidote is one that I particularly resonate with strongly. Prehnite is a high vibratory Dispeller and Epidote is a Guardian. Both work so well to get rid of negative emotion in the Heart Chakra and protect you all round from negativity that may try to influence you to close your heart chakra. 


About Mystic Bella

Mystic Bella
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