You must pay full amount of reading to account within 2 hours of scheduling. You will be emailed and a phone call to you will be started 5 minutes before your reading. Please remember, Psychic and/or Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only. If for any reason I cannot reach you( I will email and call) for your reading, there are NO REFUNDS!
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Note: I am not a doctor, psychologist or any form of medical professional. Please view my Disclaimer here. Everything I say to you either through email or over the phone is to be used and exercised at your own risk. By deciding to pay, you acknowledge that you are doing this under your own volition and with a clear mind. You also acknowledge that I am indemnified of all legal pursuits or prosecution due to any adverse effects that result from the use of any advice given on this blog, through email, or over the phone. You also understand that there will be no refunds. You also agree that in the event of an emergency you are to contact your emergency services. If you are experiencing any form of life threatening illness, mental illness or physical ailment you agree that you will contact emergency services. At no point in time will I *Mystic Bella* be held responsible for any death, harm, sickness, or exposure to chemicals that may result from you following any advice through this blog, email or phone. You understand that you pursue any advice given at YOUR OWN RISK.
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