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Powerful Crystal Combinations Part 1

While we can get the benefit of one crystal, we can also get the benefits of synergy between crystals. When colors, geometric energy patterns and positioning on the body all intertwine amazing results can emerge.
Results like:
  • Clarity
  • Hormonal Balance
  • Healing
  • Renewed Physical Strength
I will give three combinations in this post and save the others for later. 

1. Sunstone & Chrysocolla 

Sunstone is a crystal of freedom. My experience with Sunstone is warmness, sometimes to the point of sweating profusely. In my opinion it has to be paired with a strong cooling stone. Something in the blue range and Chrysocolla is one that I would suggest pairing it with. Sunstone is Barrier Crystal, with a Triclinic structure. This structure provides protection and keeps us out of harm's way. Sunstone is said to have masculine energy, it ignites the Solar Plexus in a very powerful way. 

Chrysocolla is a Guardian Crystal with a Monoclinic Structure. Guardians help us protect what we value the most. Chrysocolla is connected with Laughter and Joy. It is the feminine energy and cooling energy of Chrysocolla that balances out the Sunstone's strong and warm vibrations. 

My experience: When wearing these two together as bracelets, there was this sense of revelry. Absolute fun of the highest order ensued wherever I went. There is also a strong protective quality about Sunstone. In my experience, wherever I would go, if there is negativity, the Sunstone would fire up and it was like sitting in a sauna(in this day and age, very few places are without negativity, normally places without strong negativity have moving water, beaches, fountains, waterfalls.). Just be aware of how you may react to crystals and be mindful of the situation you are going into with them on. They will do everything they can to protect you, even make you sweat like you are in a jacuzzi if it means protecting you from harmful vibrations. 

2. Nuumite & Pietersite 

Nuumite is one of the most protective stones in my arsenal of crystals. This crystal is a mixture of two different crystals therefore the structure is not established. Nuumite creates a barrier around you. Harsh words and intentions from others seem to sit "outside" of you. The energy sent never penetrates the aura. If you can see energy, then you may actually see that energy floating around you, hovering even. Nuumite works powerfully with the Third Eye Chakra. 

Pietersite is a Seeker crystal with a Hexagonal structure. It stimulates psychic vision and enhances mental gifts. Pietersite has a warm and strong vibration. These two together has the power to move you into Pass Life Regression, Dreams of Past Lives, and maybe even Precognition of events to come. What you experience determines your energy and where it is on the scale from Love to Anger.

3. Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli & Smokey Quartz 

Amethyst is a Seeker Crystal, Lapis Lazuli is an Enhancer Crystal. Smoky Quartz is also a Seeker but has a grounding and absorbing quality to it. Amethyst works with the Crown Chakra and is of the Purple Ray, Lapis Lazuli resonates with the Third Eye. These combined together are just amazing. Amethyst opens the Crown Chakra and brings information down, Lapis Lazuli opens up the Third Eye to transform that information into words, thoughts and feelings. Smoky Quartz works to ground you in the physical and helps the energy move down faster so any insights you desire comes in quickly almost instantly. I use the Amethyst and Lapis Lazuli combination if I am looking for something I lost. I also have these crystals as Pendulums because they help me access the "realm of truth and insight" as I call it.

There are so many more combinations that I would like to share with you, but in order to keep this pithy the rest will be in a part 2. Enjoy! 

About Mystic Bella

Mystic Bella
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