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🌲Happy Holidays🌲

Over the past week and weekend, things have been hectic. My youtube channel is growing and my clientele list is growing with it. I want to send a special shoutout to those who have donated to my channel I appreciate it. I am so grateful for the comments and activity on my channel. There are some new readings on the way today concerning the political spectrum and also the endgame of this Russian takeover. There is a sense of impending doom with the current administration and they have been completely taken over.

While I can be all doom and gloom, there is one thing that brings me some peace, American soldiers who are very much aware of Russia's gameplan. Now whether or not they will boss up and do what needs to be done is unknown. We all look forward to things returning to normal.. but look at what kind of entertainment this chaotic political field has given birth to. I kind of loathe the day we resort to reading on tabloid headlines.

America is at a pivotal moment and the height of that moment is approaching. Check out my Youtube Channel and leave a comment or suggestion for a reading!
Love and Light to All!

About Mystic Bella

Mystic Bella
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