Throughout this life we tend to pick up all kinds of things within our aura. We also come in contact with very strong psychics who are not aware that they are psychics and they may even be using those gifts to commit psychic attack. There are ways you can heal yourself. I've been there.. I get it. A nerve has been opened, it gets in inflamed and your emotions are no longer controllable.
For a long time I always thought it was me. That I was causing myself some sort of pain. Well, that changed drastically when I began to wear Azeztulite and then the "culprit" began to complain of the same pain I had just gotten "Rid" of.
It let me know there was some kind of transference of psychic energy and my weakest point began to soak it up. When it is being punched through I can feel it. Like pins and needles on the surface and then it goes deeper and deeper into the muscle. Before you know it(usually a day or two), you have a full on flare up. You get so caught up in irritation, you cannot even ponder a solution. Been there.
What I present today is several steps that I took to alleviate holes in the aura. These holes are energy leakage points. People who seek out your energy, (psychic/energetic vampires) sense these holes and commence attaching cords to that point. They literally scan you. Find the access point and bam. They are in there. Usually they will do something to bring your vibration to where theirs is. Annoy you, ask stupid questions or anything to get you in their vicinity and on their frequency. When you are of a higher frequency, those on another frequency have NO ACCESS to you. If they are trying to get energy from others, chances are they cannot muster up enough "positive" vibration to even fathom reaching the higher frequency ranges.
So in order to feed they must bring you down to theirs. This creates a struggle for the "host". To stay at the higher frequency ranges one has to commit to doing everything in their power to never go "low". "When they go low, we STAY HIGH!" -Michelle Obama. (I see you girl!😉)
That includes healing your aura, eating the right foods, meditation, dropping bad habits, getting proper vitamins and exercising.
List of things you will need for this:
- Two Clear Quartz Points
- Two sticks of Blue Kyanite
- Sea Salt (I use SoSalt Sea Salt from 99cent store)
- Sage(Smudging Stick)
- One Incense Stick of your choosing(Best ever is Gonesh IMO) or Candle.
So here are a list of steps to fix your aura.
- Sage your home first. Sage your bedroom.
- Shower, then do a Sea Salt scrub over your entire body but focusing on the area you feel needs healing. This area is tender, experiencing inflammation and feels hot to the touch.
- Rinse off the Sea Salt, in your room have a fan on. Lie own for a minute, breathe and air dry.
- NO LOTION. (I've found that chemicals in lotion really slows down the healing process, it seems to act like a barrier, you can put it on after you do your healing session)
- Light your incense or candle.(This helps keep the area free of negative energy as you work)
- Once you are completely dry, grab your Blue Kyanite and place it ON (not in, or on private parts, use Yoni Eggs for that) the location you are having trouble with.
Blue Kyanite is a powerful crystal. It never needs cleansing and its high vibration immediately targets the pain and inflammation. Seriously, within 10-15 mins, my inflammation was GONE. This works for stress knots, injuries, whatever ailments you may have.
- Breathe, release, understand what is going on with your body in that location. Kyanite will pull it out, but you also have to want to release it. Talk to your cells, talk to your molecules. They hear you.
- Once you feel deep removal of tension and pain, grab your Quartz Crystals. Hold one in the right hand (whichever hand is the "Sending energy" hand)with the crown of it pointing OUTWARDS away from you.
- Take the other quartz point and speak an intention for it. "This quartz crystal now has a golden thread stemming down from the Divine(whatever you desire to call it) that will seal my aura and heal any holes or leaks in my aura on all levels." (something to that effect, use white light thread whatever feels good to you.)
- Take that quartz and thread it through your aura. Making motions like you are sewing. Start at the skin and move outwards, threading through the air away from your body. Visualize the energy layers of your aura coming together again. Knot it at the end and do it again. If you went in a vertical direction, this time thread in a horizontal direction. So if you took the quartz point and made a cross over the area, you went along one of those lines, go along the other, in the direct same spot.
You will feel a tightness in that area. A strong tight feeling, like your aura is getting DENSE. It will feel heavy but in a protective kind of way. Like you put on a piece of armor.
- Once you are done sealing up the holes in your aura and areas where you felt exposed. Relax.
NOTE: This sealing of your aura is temporary until you remove whatever is causing this energetic deficiency from your life. A Psychic or Energetic Vampire may be the cause, a habit, a food, allergies, or even physical damage to the area. Right now I am trying to get a timeline on how long it lasts for me. I usually do this for two or three days in a row. I think if you keep doing it everyday for a while it could become permanent. But like everything, we do it until we feel good and then stop. So I'm going to do it everyday for a week, just to get a timeline.
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