June 9th(Sunday)-June 15th(Saturday)
Underlying Energy
- Page of Swords Reversed
- Knight of Pentacles
- Four of Cups Reversed
June 10th
- Knight of Swords Reversed
June 11th
- Page of Pentacles Reversed
June 12th
- Nine of Cups
June 13th
- Seven of Wands Reversed
June 14th (Trump's Birthday)
- Five of Swords Reversed
June 15th
- Seven of Swords Reversed
- The World Reversed
- Queen of Swords Reversed
Some heavy cards appeared for next week.
June 9th, this card seems to me like protests. Extreme discontent with the crappy offers made to the American Public.
June 10th, already stressful environment gets even more stressful due to someone who thrives on Drama.
June 11th, Bad Money News, either stocks or Federal Interest Rates, suffering is coming due to other people's actions, immature people that is. *rolls eyes so damn hard*.
June 12th, Trump finds a way to sit pretty and show his luxury, him and his ego are front an center on this Wednesday.
June 13th, A lot of Doubts re coming to surface, not sure what we are doing as a country. Doubts begin to surface about certain actions. Energy being focused in the wrong direction.
June 14th, Five of Swords Reversed, America gets caught in the middle of a battle that has nothing to do with her. A lot of blames going around for incompetence, (Wondering if this is related to the Queen of Swords (Surprise: attack due to someone turning bitter and vengeful, maybe another country) .
June 15th, this feels like someone benefiting from this surprise attack. Also, this gives advice for us to think like our opponent, be sneaky and use their traits against them. America needs to stand her ground.
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