Been away for a little while but now I am back with a rare beauty. This is the first time I have ever taken a photo of my own personal crystals for this blog. It is for good reason I saved that specialness for this crystal. It is more of a rock. It is powerful.
It goes by the name of Novaculite.
I am not going to explain what it is or where it comes from, so many websites already do that, I will only describe my own personal experience with it.
First day I held it, instant tingling in forehead. A feeling of Crown, Third Eye stimulation but also clearing. I began to cut away at locations in my aura where I knew there was a cord. As I passed the crystal through my aura, my hand began to shake as I neared the area where a cord was. Felt slight pressure in those areas.
This crystal seems to create a strong alignment of the aura with the physical body. You can be out of alignment with your energetic body and therefore not accurate with your intuition and actions. Novaculite creates this pointed centering within the upper chakras. If you have any addictions or attachments to past lives or situations, Novaculite seems to work on permanently removing those cords.
For me, I have had alot of past lovers who would creep back into my life, this crystal is helping me with detaching my energy from them.
I absolutely adore this crystal. Whenever there is a situation that may be draining me, I put this on. I feel centered and better capable of controlling my thoughts and energy.
This crystal came from In my opinion, it is rare to find a crystal of this quality with this very beautiful wrapping. Go see for yourself.
I recommend this crystal to anyone who has difficulty detaching energetically from other people. If you have weak boundaries due to emotional and physical trauma this crystal is definitely for you. If you are working on honing in your psychic gifts and energy, this is for you. Novaculite is powerful but also very good at its job. Alignment, Alignment Alignment.
I use mine with a small Phenacite, to elevate my energy so the cord will not reattach. Your "normal"energy is like a phone number, people who know you, know your energy. When you raise your vibrations above what they "know" they cannot "see" you.
Next post: Natrolite (when I get it).
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