Been a while since I have posted anything. Today's post is about the importance of language and arrangments of those words when programming crystals and grids. Alot of people out there just tell you to, "say whatever you want" but I am here to tell you, your words MATTER.
How you position them and the intent behind them needs to be well thought out and focused. Using words like "don't", "avoid", "negativity" and other words of negation does not help you. Every single sentence you say (along with the intent behind them) matters! Matters..
You have sooo many words at your disposal. The issue with the English language is that it is "coded". Coded with double meanings. The origin of our language is Latin. I suggest you purchase a Latin-English dictionary because you will find that alot of English words DO NOT MEAN WHAT YOU THINK.
Like the definition of Nice is ignorant. (It is.. look it up in an old dictionary), it also has double meaning based on the "social" use of the word. So imagine saying you desire something and the Universe hears the opposite.. "I program this grid for something nice." Words and intent have to match.
Which is why I always suggest you write your own Incantations. Really get to the heart of the matter about what you truly want to happen. See things in a step by step. What has to happen first before I can achieve that thing I want? Ask yourself questions.
Write out your general desire in a paragraph or more. Take that paragraph and separate it line by line. Also BE SPECIFIC. If you throw out something random YOU WILL GET RANDOM RESULTS.
So many say, "my crystal grid doesn't work" well what did you program it to do? Are you sure you understand clearly what you programmed it to do.
Is there energy in the way? a person? a situation? remove blockages in your incantations, but don't just say "remove bloackages".
"My intention for this grid is to dissolve all blockages that may be hindering my progress in regards to ___insert thing you want to achieve here___ ."
WORDS are your most powerful tool. Look up words. Money is such a general term, use a word like "proceeds" instead.
For about two hours, just go through what you wrote and pick out words, define them and then seek latin translation and choose a more "rooted" word. A word more true to its definition. I have a list of synonyms I will use in every incantation because they have "true" singular meaning.
Universe- One Verse, One Song and One meaning.
Use your higher intelligence to write your incantation and you will see results like never before.
Instead of attract use magnetize.
Use general statements and then specific statements so that you cover all basis but also hint at what you want.
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