Beating Addictions with Sugilite
Sugilite is one of the most amazing crystals I've ever handled. I say that about all of my crystals but I really mean it this time. Something kept drawing me to Sugilite. After some research and staring at a few images of it, I knew I needed it.
A long search ensued because it is so rare and very expensive. I found a piece of it. Literally, a donut of Sugilite, for 8 bucks. That's not bad at all! So I waited a few days for it and when it arrived I immediately smudged it and put it on. ZOOM! I felt like I was floating off the ground.
I laid down and I swear to you, I barely got out of the bed for three days. It was not my intention to heal all my addictions right then, but sometimes the crystals just do it to you.
I had been a smoker for 14 years. Cigarettes. I loved tobacco. Deep down I had bonded with the idea of smoking. It had become apart of my personality. The moment I put on the Sugilite, the idea of smoking made me sick. Trust me, I tried to smoke with Sugilite on, nausea engulfed me. I laid back down and went back to sleep. I would wake up and say, "I'm getting out of the bed now", Sugilite would knock me out again. This sleep was not "restful", it was an infuriating sweat, with an airy undertone. Cleansing of my cells. Luckily this all took its course over one weekend. Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
All I did was, eat, sleep, use the bathroom, drink water and sleep. That Sunday afternoon I got up, ate a piece of food and the crystal began to irritate me. I took it off. The urge to smoke had gone away completely.
The Subconscious
This is where the great test was. How long could I go without it? I had began taking vitamins everyday(One-A-Day for Women, half in the morning and half at night). I also began eating breakfast first thing in the morning. Eggs with spinach, yogurt, tea and maybe a small piece of chocolate. I noticed the urge to smoke after I eat was there but not "important". I would shift my focus to what I could do with my hands.
At night, my subconscious would flare up with images and feelings of smoking. It was so real. When I would wake up I would swear I just smoked a cigarette. The feeling of it was there and everything. One night I woke up to a ghost face in my vision right behind my eyelids. Which further confirmed my beliefs that cigarettes hold a spirit.
Being a sensitive, I quickly realized how what I believed and what I was doing did not match. Smoking cigarettes that were clearly meant to cause harm, bring toxins into your life/body and then wanting to "remove" negative energy did not jive at all. You cannot have one fit in and one foot out. Either commit to the lifestyle of one or the other. From what I've been told tobacco is a high vibration plant and smoke. Native Americans used it. The large corporations took it and manipulated it to bring harm. Would I go back to smoking if I could come across some really pure tobacco? I've thought about it, but I've also grown a love for tasting my food again. Not sure I want to risk that with reviving an addiction.
Being of Native American descent, it might be in my genes to smoke, but I don't have to do it.
Sugilite literally saved my life. After those three days, I had the most wax in my ears I've ever had in my life. My mouth had grime coming out of my gums and cheeks. I could smell again. Taste again. Everything felt clean. I felt pure. Like I had purged something of such negative vibrations from my life...from my spirit. I've noticed that while smoking I would create the same reality over and over. Whatever I felt when I smoked would manifest. Anger, arguments, thoughts, etc. There is something about smoke in general. It's etheric. The type of plant being burned matters as well. Which is why burning sage (smudging) is so effective when it comes to removing negative energy. It does something to air. Charges it and cigarette smoke charges it negatively.
This is my experience. You have to know your body. Withdrawals from any substance can be life threatening. Seek medical attention if you experience any type of withdrawal symptoms. Seek medical help before utilizing any self-help information found on this blog.
Stay Tuned more to come.
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