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❣️Hello, I'm Bella❣️

This is just an introduction to who I am and what I am about. Nothing said here is the be all end all. My intuition guides me and it may not work for you and some of it may work for you. With ten years of research, dreams, experiences, and guidance I have been able to amass a wealth of knowledge about energy and how to cope with being a "Sensitive". Indigo colors fill my aura, (as told to me by psychics), and I work tirelessly to ground my energy and connect with who I am and where I am.

Through this blog journey I will tell about the books I've read, blogs I've found and websites that have helped me answer some of my own questions. For example, shielding, energy blocking, energy sending, telepathic communication and crystal grids. We are entering a time on this planet where we are awakening and giving credit to ancient cultures. As modern as our planet has become, we can all agree that we are repeating a cycle. We have to direct and protect our planet, which also means battling darkness wherever it may be.

With a fairly large crystal collection that continues to grow, I aim to give some insight into how crystals feel, how to know when a crystal does not jive with your energy and some of the properties or benefits I have experienced with crystals.

For a long time I have been wanting to do another blog about my spiritual experiences. The designing part intrigues me so much as I try to capture the essence of what this blog should feel like. The last blog I created  about my spiritual experiences got over 10,000 views but it no longer "inspired me". So this is my clean slate to start over. To really give it all I have to help others. I may present some stories here that may be about a "touchy" subject. I also may talk about sexual experiences, adult themed conversations and things that are not appropriate for children. So please do not direct this blog to any children. Thank you.

Some of the crystals I may speak about here may be toxic. It is recommended that you do your own research on the crystals you find or desire to work with before purchasing as some contain toxic materials like sulfur, arsenic, aluminum, and other harmful materials. I try my best to handle all my crystals with the upmost of care. Washing hands after handling them is one of the first and easiest ways to prevent mishaps. Learning about crystals and knowing if they can take water, sunlight, or sea salt is also another good way to protect yourself and your investment.  

Every crystal has it's own frequency, pulsation, vibration and it also has it's own way of doing things. It will communicate with you through the channel that you have most open. So if you have claircognizance (clear knowing), then the crystal may heighten that and you will just know something to moment you touch it. I am a clairsentient(clear feeling), so when I feel something either through the skin, nervous system, or pressure points, I get a "Feeling". Certain vibrations and entities emit a frequency that I can feel. Sort of like how you know someone cut a TV on in another room. Although you don't really hear it, you feel it. That's kind of how I operate all the time. So I seek out ways to lessen the sensitivity.

So come with me on my journey! You may even learn something too!

Of course I have to put this:
Any and all crystal or spiritual advice presented here does not take the place of professional medical help. Please seek out medical help in the case of an emergency! If experiencing any form of mental illness or physical pain, seek out professional help immediately. This site does not give medical advice and should not be taken as that kind of advice.

About Mystic Bella

Mystic Bella
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